
大衛・奧格威(David Ogilvy)的金科玉律:30 條廣告真言改變市場命運|名言錄

大衛・奧格威(David Ogilvy)是我在行銷領域的偶像。




重新認識行銷、重新認識銷售、重新認識品牌,這就是大衛・奧格威(David Ogilvy)能帶給我們的最大寶藏。

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大衛・奧格威(David Ogilvy,1911–1999)是奧美 (Ogilvy & Mather) 廣告公司的創辦人之一,被譽為「廣告教父」。


以下,我匯整了我最喜歡 David Ogilvy 在行銷領域的名言。



“The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife.”



“Never underestimate the power of emotion. People buy with their hearts and justify with their heads.”



“Never belittle your customers, for they are the ones who keep you in business.”



“Ask yourself: if I were the consumer, why would I care about this ad?”



“People ask how to make advertising effective. My answer: truly understand your customer first.”



“If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.”



“A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself.”



“If you don’t have a big idea, your advertising will pass like a ship in the night.”



“We sell—or else.”



“Better a simple ad that sells than a fancy ad that doesn’t.”



“Advertising should not be a showcase of cleverness but a stage for persuasion.”



“Never stop testing, and your advertising will never stop improving.”



“Start with research, then rely on intuition to create great advertising.”



“Launching an ad without sufficient market research is a huge gamble.”



“If your brand’s image or positioning is vague, don’t expect consumers to figure it out for you.”



“An ad that leaves people unable to recall the product is wasted advertising.”



“Your ad should act as a magnifying glass, highlighting the product’s most compelling feature.”



“If you stuff too many selling points into one ad, people end up remembering none.”



“Advertising needs freshness, but must never stray from the brand’s enduring core concept.”



“By highlighting product details, you help consumers connect the ad with real usage.”



“Don’t expect a bad product to succeed through advertising alone.”



“Don’t let competitors distract you. Focus on making your product better and worth.”



“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”



“The more informative your advertising, the more persuasive it will be.”



“You cannot bore people into buying your product. Remember, you’re having a conversation with their lives.”



“Words can deceive, but human intuition is sharp. You must build credibility through sincerity.”



“When crafting an ad, ask if your friends or family would actually read it.”



“A good headline can be worth the entire ad.”

Frank Chiu
Frank Chiu

SEO 顧問、行銷顧問。協助本地企業與跨國企業導入 SEO 跟行銷方案,包括:雀巢、凱基銀行、大人學、居家先生、IKEA、Vocus 等。
